A very fast, tight, mobile-friendly, single or local multiplayer extendable engine that works great with other assets to start creating your own 2D game right now with Unity.
The Corgi Engine is a Unity 2D + 2.5D Platformer Kit, available on the Unity Asset Store.
It's a very fast, single or local multiplayer non-physics based engine, packed with features, described below. It's mobile friendly, works well with other
assets, and is basically everything you need to start creating your own 2D game right now.
The Corgi Engine is recommended by Unity as part of its 2D Essentials Pack.
This page contains an exhaustive list of all features included in the Corgi Engine, as well as FAQ, a changelog, and a roadmap of coming updates.
Getting started?
You can start by having a look at the functional documentation, which covers all aspects of the engine.
There's also a complete documentation for all classes,
which are all heavily commented, so it's very easy to
understand and improve on as long as you have basic Unity understanding.
If you don't want to get into code, there's still a lot
you can do in the inspector or simply by replacing assets! It's now super fast to create your own game!
There are also video tutorials to get you started.
And for a quick look at how it works, and how you can use it to achieve great things, you can look at this tutorial
series by the great people at Unity themselves :
Since v3.0, the Corgi Engine supports local multiplayer. Create coop or versus games super easily!
Player Movement
The character controller is easy to control and tweak via the inspector. For those of you wondering, the Player/platforms collision detection is made using raycasts, it's not a physics based engine, although you can mix some physics with it, as you can see in the demo (the crates for example).
walk left or right
flip or rotate on direction change
walk on slopes
orient your character depending on the slope angle
dangle at the edge of platforms
compatible with all kinds of 2D colliders (box, circles, polygons, etc...)
auto walk/run/walljump ala Super Mario Run
look up
crouch and crawl
jump (proportional to the button press time or not, with fall and ascent speed multipliers)
customizable jump time windows after a fall
double jump (or any number of jumps you want)
wall jump
wall slide
jump down from platforms
horizontal dash
multi directional dash
vertical dash which smashes the ground and shakes the camera
jetpack (along with particle effects)
get crushed by objects
move along a path
climb ladders (regular or bidirectional ones)
shoot and use weapons, and more than one at once
melee attacks
push and pull objects
control time (speed it up or slow it down)
grab ropes
persist through different levels, maintaining value and component changes
take fall damage
get stunned
trigger different feedbacks based on the surface the character is on
roll along slopes, dodging enemies
ride a zipline
switch character for another model or prefab at runtime
swap control between multiple characters in your scenes (think Lost Vikings)
grab, carry and throw objects
fly freely in all four directions (all the time or on command)
glide to slow down your fall
hang and climb from ledges
Player animations
For each of the player's feature, you'll find a dedicated animation.
The Corgi Engine uses Mecanim's powerful state machine and blend trees so you can easily replace our little corgi with your own
character and animate it. The asset includes spritesheets animations, animated meshes and Spine powered animations. And of course the engine can work with any animation mode you prefer, and comes with helpers to automate animation parameter setup.
2D and 2.5D Demo Levels
The Corgi Engine lets you create both 2D and 2.5D games. In that context, 2.5D means 2D gameplay with 3D assets. You'll find example of both setups throughout the demos provided with the engine.
The asset comes complete with more than more than 60 demo levels, a splash screen, a start screen, and a loading screen
so you can understand how to link your GUI screens and levels together. Don't hesitate to check out the demos to give them a try!
The engine will let you create in many ways, either carefully handcrafted, or procedurally generated (there are examples of that too), everything's possible!
Since v4.2, the Corgi Engine allows you to set a specific gravity direction, per character. Unique to the Corgi Engine,
this feature opens a whole world of possibilities. Whether it's constant altered gravity, or only in specific zones, or around certain
points, the choice is yours. And it's not just "reversed gravity", it's free, 360°, and entirely up to you. You can even use an ability to dynamically change gravity
direction based on the current slope angle. Most features of the engine
will keep working in altered gravity, from weapons to jumpers, so you can now turn your world around however you want.
Portals and Teleporters
Create teleporters to move quickly from point A to point B. You can also create portals through which you can move, shoot, or throw enemies.
Although the Corgi Engine is raycast based, and independent from Unity's Physics 2D, you can still interact with it to some
extent (not recommended for physics heavy interactions, non flat pushing, chain reactions, etc). Since v1.6, you can now push blocks, platforms, etc, have them fall down or hit each other.
Additionally, since v2.1, you can now simulate slippery or sticky surfaces, or add stuff like treadmills or trampolines to your levels, and v5.2 introduced pushing and pulling other CorgiControllers.
Enemies and friends
The demo levels include a bunch of enemies, complete with basic AI, health levels, movement animations and death effects.
the blue robot : this mean dude walks from left to right on slopes or even terrain, and shoots at the player as soon as it sees him.
the cactus : don't touch his spikes!
the blue round thingy : don't touch his spikes either!
the buzzsaw : rotating and moving danger
the blob : it looks friendly but it will hurt you if you touch it. You'd better jump on it!
the green corgi : this little dude will follow you everywhere
the dude : he doesn't do much, he just walks around
the heavy corgi : he sure has one big armor
the Retro swordsman : a tiny yellow dude with a mean sword
the Retro ghost : basically Super Mario's ghost, will fly around and track you unless you face it
the Retro blob : a blue character that can adapt various strategies and shoot machine guns
the Retro fireball : a damaging fireball that crawls on the surface of platforms
the Retro Rabbit boss : a complex boss with two separate and destructible weapons, and evolving behaviours based on time and health
Advanced AI system
Take your enemies and friends to the next level using the Corgi Engine's Advanced AI system. Combine actions and decisions super
easily via the inspector to create complex behaviours for your characters.
Actions : Pick from many pre-defined actions, or create your own. The asset comes with ready to use actions such as patrolling, patrolling within bounds, patrol jump, climb stairs, climb ladders, waiting, use the last known position of the target as the new target,
shooting, changing weapons, flying along a path, swapping brains, trigger feedbacks, trigger events, jumping, walking or flying towards a target, and more! Creating your own can also be done with only a few lines of code.
Decisions : Just like actions, the engine comes with a lot of ready-to-use decisions that you can leverage to create complex behaviors : target detection (in line, in an area,
within a certain radius, states such as grounded or hurt, health levels, line of sight, target alive or not, time spent in a state or since the start of the level, and more!).
Hitscan weapons : create distance based weapons that don't throw a projectile but rather instantly apply damage. Useful for railguns, beams, etc
Melee weapons : the asset comes with an advanced melee weapon system, letting you customize all the details of your weapon's attack, as well as create combo weapons
Multi-directional shot : you can choose between a straight shots system , 8-ways shots, or free 360° shots
Combo weapons : chain weapons together (melee or not), and create devastating combos
Charge weapons : chain weapons together (melee or not), and create devastating combos
Powerful controls : you can aim via the primary or secondary direction stick, or use the mouse to aim
Upgradable weapons : gather weapon upgrades to improve your gun
Laser sight : add a laser to your weapon to make each shot easier!
Bouncy projectiles : have your projectiles bounce along surfaces, ideal for blaster-like lasers
Auto aim : easily add customizable auto aim to your weapons, and specify how targets should be picked
Aim Markers : display an aim marker around your target, a perfect companion for auto aim!
Crosshair : display a crosshair on screen to never miss a target
Recoil and feedbacks : the weapon system is built with game feel at its core, and it's very easy to add any form of feedbacks or forces to your weapon
new in v8.0Advanced Damage : create and use any damage types you want, define their effects (stun, freeze, damage over time, and much more), create resistances or armors against them, and generally enjoy an industry standard damage system
Collectible Items
Coins : the asset includes a simple yet powerful points system. Gather coins to earn points!
Jetpack : a great example of how you can create items that turn abilities on or off on your character
Stimpacks : grab these little buddies to get health back after getting hurt by an enemy.
Weapon upgrades : get a hold of these to improve your gun!
Bullet time collectible : grab these beauties and slow down time for a while.
1-ups : grab mushrooms (or whatever you prefer) and get your life counter back, or grab empty life containers.
Built-in juice
Game feel in games is super important. Whether it’s visual feedback, haptic vibrations, sound, or anything else, feedback is the sum of things that happen whenever something happens,
in general or in reaction to the player’s input. This will ensure the player always understands the consequences of their actions.
The Corgi Engine is built with that in mind at all levels,
and comes with the MMFeedabcks built in at its core, and prefabs you can use to improve the general feeling of your game : screen shake manager, flashes, damage texts, time management to slow down / speed up time or add freeze frames,
animated healthbars, shader control, explosions, VFX and SFX integration on all abilities, knockback, everything you need to step up the feeling of your game is built-in!
Inventory Engine
The Corgi Engine comes with the Inventory Engine, More Mountains' dedicated solution for inventory management.
Inventories : Create and manage as many inventories as you want
Save and load : save and load your inventories' contents from scene to scene or game session to the next
Items : Create items, from collectibles, usable or equippable items, the only limit is your imagination
Ammo management : store different types of ammo in your inventory and consume it everytime you use a weapon
Easy to setup : the Inventory Engine is easy to use and will allow you to customize and extend everything!
Key and chest : create keys to unlock doors, chests, and pretty much everything you want with a new and super flexible system.
Smooth camera : a smooth camera that auto centers on the player, follows it, zooms in and out depending on the player's speed, easy to tweak via the inspector.
You can configure its speed, damping, etc...
Pixel perfect camera : simple pixel perfect implementation as an option for your camera
Persistence Manager : easily persist the states of your objects when changing scenes, for the duration of your session, or across sessions
Parallax management : turn any object into a parallax object, and configure its behavior via the inspector (speed, direction, etc..)
Achievements : a simple yet powerful achievements system, complete with achievements display, allowing for the implementation of any kind of achievements, simple unlockables or
progress based ones. Complete with popup display, and easily to plug to any platform dependent achievements API.
Level stuff : this includes going from one level to the next, entry points to link levels together, checkpoints inside a level, menus, level selection, character selection, and more!
One way levels : just like in Mario games for example, optionally prevent the player from going back where it came from, locking the camera and the player movements as it goes. You can even do that on all four axis, creating top to bottom levels for example.
Auto-scrolling levels : one way levels that progress on their own, and that let you control when they start/stop moving, and at what pace.
Sound Management : play sounds on separate tracks, tapping Unity's audio mixer system via an easy to use interface, offering complete control via simple components and the MMFeedbacks system. Control sounds individually, or entire tracks at once,
pausing, stopping, muting, setting volume, fading, etc. The asset comes with some (awesome) background music, and a few (less awesome) Sfx for the main character, and you can of course add your own!
Scene management : the asset now takes care of scene and assets loading for you, you can focus on your gameplay. Whether it's regular loading, additive loading, fades and transitions, the engine has it all.
Loot system : a complete and versatile loot system, letting you define loot tables, and have enemies and any object drop loot based on your own rules.
Progress management : save and load the player's progress throughout the game easily. The engine comes
with an example of how to save achievements, inventories, lives, unlocked levels and collected stars, and it's easy to extend it to save and load
your own specific stuff. This comes with built in support for various save file formats and encryption.
Kills management : count kills, trigger events on kill or when a certain amount of kills has been reached
Tilemap : the engine is compatible with Unity's Tilemap system, and comes with a complete demo of it, along with 3 different environments.
Tons of helpers : the asset also includes and uses a lot of smaller classes, stuff like FPS counters, performance managers, health bars, debug drawers, fancy inspector stuff, math classes,
that you can use and reuse in your games.
The asset includes 10+ different environments : the mesa, the mountains, the lava world, a pixelated, tile based level, the minimal prototype set, a 3D level, the Super Hipster Bros demo, the BroBro level, and more...
easily set up parallax and camera-following backgrounds
the engine also lets you (optionnally) divide your level into "rooms" and connect them together, just like in games like Super Metroid or Hollow Knight
moving platforms
one-way or both-ways platforms and slopes (moving or not)
force zones
pressure pads
elements that appear and disappear however you want, based on contact with a character or not
falling platforms (or elevators or whatever you want)
cannons that shoot destructible missiles on a guided path
destructible crates
trees that move procedurally
timed auto respawn
tons of default platforms
ladders, regular or bidirectional
possibility to disable physics
time zones
keys, doors and chests
hittable switches
special wall surfaces
and more...
The asset includes a complete documentation for all classes, plus each class is heavily commented, so it's very easy to
understand and improve on as long as you have basic Unity understanding. If you don't want to get into code, there's still a lot
you can do in the inspector or simply by replacing assets! It's now super fast to create your own game!
There are also video tutorials to get you started.
Mobile Friendly
You can use this asset to create games that run on anything you like.
The asset comes with input management and preconfigured controls for keyboard, xbox360 pad, and mobile
(iOS or android -
and probably anything with a touchscreen). It natively supports the regular input system, as well as the "new" input system package.
You can enable, force or disable mobile inputs easily via the Unity editor.
The engine will even autoactivate mobile controls based on your build target.
Since v2.2, the engine relies on homemade, simple by design, mobile controls (buttons, joysticks, swipe zones, repositionable sticks, etc). They're fast, repurposeable, and reliable. Feel free to replace them with better ones.
You can get a tech demo on the Play Store to have an idea of how it runs.
Time management
You can now control time! The game comes with a pause system and methods to speed up or slow down time!
The asset comes with a lot of particle effects that work great in 2D, such as jetpack flames, projectiles, explosions, etc... Use them as they are in your own game, or customize them by tweaking their parameters and materials.
The Corgi Engine is fully compatible with Esoteric Software's amazing animation software Spine. Since v1.5, the
asset includes many Spine powered characters. Feel free to add your own!
User Interface
The asset comes packed with tons of ready to use UI elements. From start and pause screens to healthbars, avatars, and even mobile controls.
It's easier to use and customize, and works well on all screen sizes. There's even a level selection carousel and a Mario like map.
Corgi Engine + Handcrafted Art 2D Platformer Mega Bundle
You can also buy the Corgi Engine as part of the Corgi Engine + Handcrafted Art - 2D Platformer Mega Bundle, a joint venture between
Alien Nude and More Mountains. The bundle includes the Corgi Engine (exactly as it is in this asset), along with 8 top selling high
quality background packs by Alien Nude.
Will there be updates? Will they be free?
Yes, updates are released very regularly. All Corgi Engine updates have always been free, and always will be.